
Intermediate Posts in Balcony Railing Now Have Their Own Drilling Pattern

Intermediate posts in balcony railings can now be assigned their own drilling pattern.

The drilling pattern for the intermediate posts can be assigned in the height construction predefinitions for balcony railings. It is possible to place individual drilling patterns for the left and right sides of the intermediate post connections. The new drilling pattern will then appear automatically during the initial calculation of the balcony railing or when the intermediate post is added during the design process.

Intermediate posts in balcony railings can now be assigned their own drilling pattern.

Previously, the intermediate post was assigned the same drilling pattern as a regular post. Regular balcony railing posts are placed at the corners of the balcony railing and the railing parts and all connections go around the corner and sometimes even at an angle (e.g., when the corner post is connected to the stair railing). The intermediate post on the other hand, divides the balcony into sections and all railing part connections are on one level. In the past, it sometimes happened that the drilling patterns of a normal post did not work with an intermediate post, and the user had to manually change the placement.

With the new individual drilling patterns, this is no longer necessary. The new drilling patterns reduce the manual design work and reduce the potential for errors, such as the designer forgetting to manually change the connections. This saves time. 

Intermediate posts in balcony railings can now be assigned their own drilling pattern.
Intermediate posts in balcony railings can now be assigned their own drilling pattern.
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