Press General

Compass Software Receives Honorary Certificate for 25. Anniversary

To celebrate 25 years of Compass Software, Chamber of Commerce representative Mrs. Preiss, awarded CEO Detlef Hollinderbaeumer with an honorary certificate to commemorate the company’s anniversary. We want to thank the Chamber of Commerce for the nice gesture.

The foundation for today’s Compass Software GmbH was laid in 1992. The founders however, have been delivering innovative solutions for staircase construction and for some time now also timber and window construction, for over 30 years. Today, we have customers in more than 30 countries of the world.

Everything started in the mid 80s when three motivated computer scientists thought about CNC machines and the transfer from construction software to production for the first time. The IT specialists connected their first machine in 1984 and the innovative software solution was sought after outside of Germany already one year later. Ever since, our constantly growing team has been working tirelessly on the improvement and advancement of our solutions and with this effort Compass Software has been able to set benchmarks at the top of the market since the first hour. Our wish for the future is keep being known as a pioneer in the industry and for our progressive and forward-thinking innovations. To achieve this goal we do not only invest in the development of new technology and production techniques, but especially also in the most important component of our success: our employees and partners.

[Translate to Amerikanisch:] Anlässlich des 25-jährigen Bestehens von Compass Software überreichte Frau Preiß von der IHK eine Ehrenurkunde als Anerkennung zum Firmenjubiläum an unseren Geschäftsführer Detlef Hollinderbäumer.
[Translate to Amerikanisch:] Compass Software 1982
[Translate to Amerikanisch:] Detlef Hollinderbäumer, Geschäftsführer der Compass Software GmbH

Dank des respektvollen und wertschätzenden Umgangs miteinander können wir sowohl langfristige Kundenbeziehungen und Partnerschaften, als auch eine überdurchschnittlich lange Betriebszugehörigkeit unserer Mitarbeiter vorweisen. Darauf sind wir stolz.

Detlef Hollinderbäumer - Geschäftsführer

Damit wir in Zukunft noch effizienter arbeiten können, arbeiten wir derzeit an einem umfangreichen Umbau unseres Firmensitzes in Dortmund. Wir sind überzeugt, dass eine stetige Entwicklung und Offenheit für Neues ein Grundstein zum Erfolg sind.