
First Machine for NHG

The company NHG UG & Co. KG from Zetel-Neuenburg in Germany, has been using Compass Software to build staircases for many years already. Now the company decided to upgrade their shop with the purchase of a new Felder CNC machine. One of our technicians connected the new Format 4 ProfitH350 in the beginning of September. This occasion also called for a software upgrade from the previously used Version 9 to the newest Version 10. During the installation, the team, which was further supported by a Felder technician, successfully milled the first treads, risers, one stringer, one stringer-handrail combination with omega profile, and each a stringer and handrail wreath. We are confident that NHG will be successful with their new CNC machine and we are looking forward to working together in the future.

[Translate to Amerikanisch:] Die Firma NHG UG & Co. KG entschied sich dazu mit dem Kauf einer Felder CNC-Maschine und Compass Software aufzurüsten
[Translate to Amerikanisch:] Wange mit Laser auf Felder CNC mit Compass Software betrieben.
[Translate to Amerikanisch:] Wange Handlaufkombination mit Compass Software gefertigt.
[Translate to Amerikanisch:] Wangenkrümmer mit Compass Software gefertigt.
[Translate to Amerikanisch:] Gesattelte Wange mit Compass Software gefertigt.
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