
New Processing Step for the Front Side Processing of Risers with Mortises

The new “cutting 5 axis with double bevel trim cutter” processing step for the front edge processing of mortised risers saves an enormous amount of time, and the result is completely tear-free.

Mortised riser processing can create 90° outside corners on the front edge, which can now be machined with a double bevel/chamfer cutter. The new operation processes both bevels of a front edge simultaneously and mills the risers twice as fast. The result is completely tear-free. Conventional methods require at least two operations to achieve the same result.

front edge processing of mortised risers with a double bevel trim cutter

This processing requires a 5-axis unit. If the operation is active and the riser has a 90° outside corner on the front edge, the new processing step will be executed. The old " routing 5-axes " operation is then automatically omitted. If the riser does not have a 90° outside corner, the new processing step is suppressed and the old "routing 5-axes" operation is executed (if it is active). Front edges that are to be cut vertically at the end (for example, because the riser meets the stringer at a 90° angle) will not be processed with the new operation.

The processing step can be purchased as an option.